Faribault Bowling Observer- St. Patty's Day No Tap Results

 On a rare seasonal Sunday afternoon in March, ten lanes of bowlers gathered at Faribowl to compete in the annual St. Patty's Day No Tap Tournament. Here are the results.

Men's High Game: Troy Brekke- 298, Bob Reim 298, Jimmy Deagan 290

Women's High Game: Sheri Borgstahl- 244, Patty Wilker- 232, Emily Whillock- 232


1st Place: Doug and Dick Schaeffer 1635

2nd Place: Austin Ball and Jimmy Deagan 1596

3rd Place: Dan Leppert and Erin Gillen-Bauer 1553

4th Place: Camden Racine and Kelly Kenow 1538

5th Place: Charles Kryzer and Sheri Borgstahl 1512, Noah and Heather Carlson 1512.

Congratulations for those that placed.

Onto the leagues:


Gillen Farms nips Low Expectations 4-3

1. Noah Carlson- Low Expectations. 562 scratch, 652 handicap series

2. George Sticha- Gillen Farms. 476 scratch, 644 handicap series

3. Joseph McDonald- Low Expectations. 569 scratch, 629 handicap series

Lucky Balls swept Fox Lake Farms

1. Jamie Kelly- LB. 510 scratch, 633 handicap series

2. Tracy Cortez- LB. 518 scratch, 617 handicap series

3. Jennifer Evans- LB. 454 scratch, 607 handicap series

No Name swept Meadow Ridge

1. Whitney Ordal- NN. 447 scratch, 609 handicap series

2. Pat Ernste- MR. 456 scratch, 594 handicap series

3. Patti McDonald- NN. 399 scratch, 582 handicap series

Gillen Masonry defeated Lucky Strikes 5-2

1. Dylan Stadler- LS. 400 scratch, 625 handicap series

2. Charles Kryzer Jr.- GM. 576 scratch, 615 handicap series

3. Sheri Borgstahl- GM. 529 scratch, 601 handicap series

Monday Night Gutterdusters standings


Tom's Pro Glass over Our Place on 3rd, 28-2

1. Daryl Mador- TPG. 721 scratch, 799 handicap series, 4 points

2. Bob Reim- TPG. 560 scratch, 668 handicap series, 4 points

3. Connor Jacobson- OP3. 639 scratch series, 2 points

Signature won six points bowling versus blind

Faribowl defeated Midwest Collision 20-10

1. Missy Mechura- MW. 504 scratch, 708 handicap series, four points

2. Joe Bauer- Faribowl. 528 scratch, 693 handicap series, four points

3. Matt Gustafson- Faribowl. 401 scratch, 635 handicap series, three points 

Monday Night Central League Standings

Tuesday Coffee League season has concluded. 

Final Three Stars Standings

1. Kim Tiedeken 9

2. Matt Gustafson 6

3. Pam Blow, Lisa Barta 5



Bashers downed Depot 19-11

1. Tom Pleschcourt- Bashers. 647 scratch, 764 handicap series, 3 points

2. Jake Pleschcourt- Bashers. 639 scratch, 723 handicap series, 4 points

3. Randy Riesing- Depot. 528 scratch, 723 handicap series, 3 points

Tom's Pro Glass defeated Story Equipment 25-5

1. JJ Klein- TPG. 564 scratch, 711 handicap series, 4 points

2. Todd Anderson TPG. 489 scratch, 782 handicap series, 3 points

3. Eric Keath, TPG. 435 scratch, 635 handicap series, 4 points

Cry Baby Craig's defeated Nomad Adventures 22-8

1. Dan Leppert- NA.  589 scratch, 751 handicap series, 3 points

2. TJ Krause- CBC. 695 scratch, 734 handicap series, 4 points

3. Jarid Finstuen- NA. 584 scratch, 692 handicap series, 4 points

Old Town Tavern defeated DeGroot Construction 21-9

1. Kelly Kenow- DC. 628 scratch, 727 handicap series, 3 points

2. Dan Langer- OTT. 723 scratch series, 3 points

3. Mark Pearson- OTT. 640 scratch, 721 handicap series, 4 points

Mid State takes 27 of 30 points from Roehrick Painting

1. Jordan VonRuden- MS. 694 scratch, 718 handicap series, 3 points

2. Kellen Starch- MS. 420 scratch, 717 handicap series, 3 points

3. Dylan Prokopec- MS. 464 scratch, 686 handicap series, 4 points

Elk's Lodge downs AP Insurance 19-11

1. Andy Penfield- AP. 495 scratch, 753 handicap series, 3 points

2. Pat Tisot- EL. 524 scratch, 716 handicap series, 4 points

3. Jim Enfield- EL. 550 scratch, 703 handicap series, 3 points

Champion's Pro Shop defeats Faribowl 18-12

1. James Rogers- Faribowl. 300 game, 663 scratch, 690 handicap series, 2 points

2. Bob Haugh- CPS. 647 scratch, 701 handicap series, 3 points

3. Taylor Koerner- CPS. 665 series, two points

Tuesday Night Merchant League Standings


Pin Pals down Bowl Shyt 5-2

1. Kevin Luckow- BS. 540 scratch, 615 handicap series, rocking a 1988 Columbia Black Knight

2. Richard Angell- PP. 404 scratch, 584 handicap series

3. Rebecca Angell- PP. 320 scratch, 581 handicap series

Better Than Charles swept the Whoevers

1. Dianna Kryzer- BTC. 599 scratch, 704 handicap series

2. Sheri Borgstahl- BTC. 620 scratch, 701 handicap series

3. Chuck Kryzer- BTC. 588 scratch, 669 handicap series

New Team defeated Waffle Stomp 5-2

1. Terry McKillip- NT. 509 scratch, 626 handicap series

2. Brian Borgstahl- WS. 328 scratch, 598 handicap series

3. Lydia McKillip- NT. 454 scratch, 589 handicap series

Wednesday Night Mixed Standings

1. Better Than Charles 62-29

2. New Team 57-34

3. The Whoevers 47-44

4. Bowl Shyt 42-49

5. Pin Pals 37-54

6. Waffle Stomp 30-60

Wednesday Night Mixed will wrap up their season this Wednesday night.

Wednesday Night Mixed Top Three Stars

1. Terry McKillip 19

T2. Richard Angell 12

T.2 Michael Goeing 12


I've got nothing, talk among yourselves.

Till next time, good luck and good shooting.
